reap what you sow


heeeeeeyylo folks, hows things? my holidays have been sweeeeet so far, only been digging twice, on me tod, was wet as foork yesterdaay, still getting stuff done, got osme pictures too on me new cameraa ahh yeah taking photos is soo addictivei love it, taken like 300 photos per day haha :) can only be a good thing i guess! so heres a photo update, internet seek and destroy, facebook finds, you can find crazy stuff if you look hard enough or know people ;)
got a folder for my eyes only, maybe you can see it if you come round my house, do 200 hours digging hahaaaa. so yeah video got posted a bunchh which is sweeet, tshirts are in the pipelinee, of anyone knows any good printers/people who are good at that kinda thang holla me on the chat thing or face book! (alex boyd) if your on holiday get on itt, work off that crimbo dinner or whatever, its not that cold :) and youl reap the rewards come summer, id put a fiddy note on it. hollaaaaaaatchtabictchessssssss viva la anglais xxxxxxx or viva la francias!!! probabbaly seen this bout 558390485-91=423-4823871£"$£"%%£ times but its sickoo r.i.p! over the bridge, good dude/s dan! hope fully a trails swap in summer my man?! again dialled stuff! legit too i think! berm stepup ideaas yupppp clayed defo clayedo looks sooo fun cant wait to get big berma clayed undergrounded same shi* diffo angleo u.s.a somewhere cant remember (awnsers in chatbox?!) but wild loong how do you test long jumps? get pipe to do it? crazy europeans, sweden top boyoos r.i.p but mk3! fuckin raddd link to video of these aages ago somewhere on here, so crispp BOOOOOM i wonder if you could cut yourself on those lips? sasquatchcanyon logspot! crazy all year riding?! only in.... paaaaaa if youve ever ridden that berm yould know its soooo funn see;
they also have a pizza oven.=amazzing, digs does rad pizzas too! facebook finddd, maybe london maybe not unsuuree team= wishhh i had haha im guna take a wild guess and say that lip is pre shaped, if the other photos are anyhting to go by... obscenely amazing, would love to go here just to see it haha is it finicty saying i dont like tarps showing?! i always nearly take them off for video/photo :) reaaal wide lander not as wide as r.a.f (rip) like 20 somehting :) banos banos collapse collapse if you watch fit french video tour you can see where they fixed the lip :)
pretty much have this video (well the trails bits) to thanks for the first 3 years digging motivation :) still seems crazy that i now know and have ridden with some of those guys :)

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