reap what you sow


listen children,, this isnt somthin to fight or get worked up over,, children do this shit all the time.. trails are about,, for me,, spendin time with my friends,, making the impossible possible, ,, riding all day,, drinkin all night,, but the trails arent a place for boozin,, it doesnt look good when city people are down there and see beer cans everywhere,, keepin the place clean and legit sends a much bigger message to the city people when they stumble upon them,, its cool to drink and stuff when u ride there,, but leaving beer cans around is a no no.. listen buds,, im here to make awesome shit and i want everyone to ride them,, but riding them dry kills them,, and having a limited supply of man power just makes it worse,, its not like buildin a ramp and leaving it there for years without any maintience,,,, just to get it straight so ya’ll know where i stand…. i build trails for everyone to ride and have as much fun as possible,, i dont care if u help or not,,, i love buildin trails,, i dont know why but i fuckin love it more then anythin,, when u guys get so into it like this,, im not gonna lie but it hurts my feelings alot,, i just want everyone to have fun and ride together in a place where yes there is rules but not really,, and the rules arnt set forth by us,, everyone around the globe knows this,, its truth,, without water the trails dy… i dont know the history of austin trails and i dont care,, ive been diggin at eastside for 3 years and never said shit to anyone about not diggin,,, i know my friends know what kind of person i am,, and u know who u are,, so drama attractin videos like this dont really bother me much… i actually thoght the video was pretty fuckin hilarious to tell ya the truth,, cuz its just a bunch of young kids that dont kjnow me/us and make up shit because of what other people tell them,, dont always believe what u see on tv kids and hopefully we’ll see u down there and get to shred some bikes and have some fun…just water that shit really good first,, ya heard….. real!!!! yaya i know, i gay and whatever"

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