reap what you sow


winter is bleak, but i was sweating today. a strange man with a dog and a gun came to the woods and said we could be in deep shit because we are digging near badger sets. the obnly badger sets are right at the bottom where we do not dig, there are 1 or two, the rest are on the other side of the woods. so ive gotta go see the landowner tommorw, or ring him tonight, his son said itl be okay and hes sound so i havent really got anyhting to worry about. needless to say, im pretty de stoked. this guy was a cock and a half about the whole thing. this is some of what we got done today, got a load done, landings, berms, two lips. lets hope its not all in vain....
peaace jigguhs im guna get smayshed off my tits x

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