reap what you sow


happy new yeaaaar! well been pretty acceee recentlyy... new years eve was off the chicken dipper, went to motion (yes i love itt) was insane, 6 rooms of music, terrace, marquee in the car park , another tent, arcadia room full of crazy ass roboting structures with flames and lasers coming out of them, people climbing on the walls, hot girls with flame throwers, circus tricks, i could go on! absolutley savageeeee. and the played final countdown hahahaa. sweeet, so im pretty sure nearly everywhere is under snow in the u.k now, we just had it last night, it is sooo fun, sucks not being able to drive anyhwere, welli probbably could but its riskkyy, build a hugged snow structure, snowmans are boring so we built a replica burjdubai :) pretty sweeeet, as far as trails go, i cant get down there like this, roads will be fucked.... so that sucks, no ace snow pictures. but! we have the internet. the internet will save us. heres a mix of crazy random stuff of recent oooooleeee 98% percent sure im going to visit and roooast some overseas trails with the dude in redd trubmx! tables in december... what next?! oh wait, THIS! booom and a bike leaner version clint is savageee this where i was new years, this is in a skatepark.... hahaha aftermath arcadia crazy room ooops double post before. this uploader is werid as, it uploads the first picture last... crazy french dubs wiintter arcadiaaa facebook find loving that landscaping need to get on that for "patio"line :) my freind stocker eatiing snow shit :) a ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude berm at dales in paaaaa might be going to pa if i get the time off :) crazy tech love it.. big roooster jumps, or crazy tech?! i think i prefer pull back and yaa...... this would be funnnn nw ozzzy savage epsom! dales bike lean corner mover and againna ozmosis helmet cam video of thses on vimeo... eppo mon smasheo , does leaving the shides and back unpacked do somehting?! cherts and epsom do this.... s berms are hella fun got two, need to build more :) its snowing. go get rad.!

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