reap what you sow


what a saweeet day! project "wait til the grounf freezes so we can stack stuff" went down a treat! 3 landings and 1/2 a berm stacked/roughly shaped! booya! siicckkk. got some pictorials too, this was guna be a scott edgeworth dedicated post but il leave that til another time, also on the cards, spade reviews, dirt tests, trail beverages, best trails bbq food, square/round lip debate, and t shirts so you can rep ho much you digforvictory... ;) suuupperstar dj's heeeeeere we goo! ohhhhh fuckkinnn yeaa on youtube now go go go go go go go go go go gog og og og gog og og gog og <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">my ex made me that pretty sweet i though! and my prized photo in ride hahahaa so incase you havent noticed... its cold. chertsssseyy ♥ proabbaly the raddest step down and berm ever! loooosee as a............. video is so sick, guna have to scope youtube in a minute for that dudes retarded back yard, theres a link on here to the other stupendous vid of those famous orange trails booyaa so on the way home from my work crimbo do, which was supposed to be an indian then 7 pubs, turend into 3 pubs and an indian haha, saw this beemer on the pavement, was like wtf went and scoped it out, nuts, lamppost on the floor, bonnet/engine fucked, checked out the cab nothing inthere haha, airbag DEPLOYEDD. pond is pretty ridiculous fk knows what were going to about that, the idea of a pond was thown about but hmm could be wet if you over rotate a twist! \\\\\11???|11111 could this be? turbo tell me! only at wingham diallled boyss ♥ this is a maasssive hole. i dont know how ian,brooks and co keep on top of emptying this out its bout 8 ft deep! pretty goood tunee cant wait til new yearr yeaaa tommorow we work stack! yess billy and coofffeee=stacked stufff crazy icee phone photos! more nutness! see youuuuu x d4v

BanosDistro #01 from dizuite dot com on Vimeo.

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